Please use our nomination form to nominate someone of national stature to participate in a lecture or short course with AltLiberalArts. Additional details regarding our lecture requirements, topics and stipends are listed below.
1) If you are nominating someone, please fill out the following information with their credentials (name, contact info, etc.).
2) If you are nominating yourself, please fill out the following information with your credentials (name, contact info, etc.).
Questions? Email us at info@altliberalarts.org and we will get back to you shortly.
An Invitation to Lecture
AltLiberalArts invites collaboration with scholars who share our beliefs in support of academic freedom. New College of Florida, a top-ranked, public liberal arts college in Sarasota, gained national attention on January 6, 2023, when newly appointed trustees began making decisions to disfavor certain academic subjects, refuse tenure to eligible faculty and close administrative departments, contributing to the exodus of more than 40% of the faculty and many students. Other liberal arts colleges face the same threats to academic freedom across the nation and the globe.
About Us
AltLiberalArts is a nonprofit education initiative offering alternative and online learning to fill the gaps created by bans, censorship and threats that result in self-censorship in college studies in the United States. We are academicians concerned with academics. We support students and faculty in the interest of promoting academic freedom and free inquiry.
Lecture Topics
AltLiberalArts invites scholars to propose online lectures or short lecture series (2-4) on race, gender, student civic engagement and advocacy, academic freedom or the intersection of science and politics. We appreciate insights into current challenges to teaching, researching and learning subjects under siege and a deeper understanding of this critical time in the history of the liberal arts.
Lecture Audiences and Format
AltLiberalArts has a global online audience who register free of charge for live lectures in an online webinar format. Typically lectures are scheduled in the afternoon or early evening Monday through Thursday. Lectures are recorded and made available online in our past events section of our website. The preferred length of lectures is 45 minutes with 15 minutes for interview or questions at the conclusion. AltLiberalArts supplies an online moderator and a webinar technician plus promotion of the lecture.
AltLiberalArts offers $1,000 for each lecture and $1500 for a short lecture series.
AltLiberalArts is an independent nonprofit with no affiliation with New College of Florida.